Budget Breakdown


GPC Budget Breakdown (Numbers Reflect FY25 GPC Budget)

Administration ($73,784, 27%)
Allows for GPC to employ officers, purchase necessary equipment and other office expenses, and to send delegates to major national leadership and legislative events in order to represent Mizzou graduate and professional student interests.

GPC Conference Presentation Travel Award ($103,700, 38%)
Given to selected graduate and professional applicants that apply during one of three allocation periods throughout the academic year. This is one of two travel awards GPC offers, the other is the Professional Development Travel Award and is contained in the Professional Development portion of the budget (see below).

GPC Group Funding ($2,000, 1%)
Graduate and professional organizations may apply for general funding from GPC; this may be used for several events such as symposia, interdisciplinary events, or outreach.

Programming ($22,000, 8%)
Pays for social activities tailored specifically for graduate and professional students.

Research and Creative Activities Forum (RCAF; $11,800, 4%)
A venue for graduate and professional students at the University of Missouri to practice professional poster presentations and compete for prizes without expensive plane tickets or hotel accommodations.

GPC Awards (Formerly Gold Chalk Awards) (4,550, 2%)
This award is given to exemplary faculty that are nominated by a student whom they have mentored or worked closely with. Allows students to recognize those who made their degree possible.

National and State Affairs ($3,100, 1%)
Among other things, this pays for GPC to travel across the state and across the country to represent the graduate and professional students at national advocacy events and at state and federal government events.

Research Awards ($15,000, 6%)
The Thirty-Seventh (2019-2020) General Assembly established the GPC research development award for graduate and professional students. The research development award is to provide support for graduate and professional students’ research and creative/scholarly activity. Awards are processed as reimbursements for valid research expenses not already covered by the university.

Contingency and Reserve ($5,594, 2%)
Carry-over, serving as a small cushion for future budgeting.

Rollins Society ($1,000, %)

Professional Development ($29,000, 11%)
The Professional Development Award (PDA) previously known as Professional Development Travel Award (PDTA) is intended to cover some of the costs for students to participate in non-presentation opportunities at conferences, meetings, workshops, or other relevant outlets that contribute toward preparing the student for employment in their chosen career path. These funds also cover GPC professional development events and activities such as case competitions, workshops, and guest speakers.